Cacao Ceremonies…


A Cacao Ceremony is a space where we come together to connect with the plant consciousness that is Cacao. Cacao is chocolate in its purest most natural form. It is non psychoactive and is a subtle yet powerful heart medicine which was used by the Mayan’s and Aztec’s for centuries.

To us in the western world Cacao is known as a superfood and rightly so. There are around 1,200 different components found in Cacao making it one of the most densely nutritious plants on the planet. Blurring the lines between food and medicine Cacao opens the heart by promoting our blood flow and aiding in deep relaxation with its high magnesium content. Cacao is also known as the medicine of tears.

Cacao contains more antioxidants then any other plant. It also includes several neurotransmitters such as Phenylethylamine (PEA) aka The Love Molecule, Anandamine aka The Bliss Molecule, Serotonin, Oxytocin which aid in boosting our mood and our capacity to bond with another. Cacao is a known aphrodisiac, a natural anti depressant and working with Theobromine which works our cardiovasular system it literally work to remove blocks around our heart space.

The spaces I create are non dogmatic and I incorporate Sound Healing, a Grounding Meditation, Intention Setting and Music.

Its a deeply nourishing time we gift to ourselves .