
: Yin Yoga :

I am a 110hr Yin accredited yoga teacher.

Yin Yoga is a slower more passive style of yoga holding poses longer while being supported with a range of props. It works into the denser elements of our body such as tendons, cartilage and ligaments known as connective tissue, fascia and joints. I like to call Yin - yoga for the brain as it is a beautiful meditative practice that invites a deep level of intention and presence.

Yin Yoga aims to improve the flow of Chi (vitality) within the body and releasing energetic blockages which can also surface certain emotions. Mindfulness and breath awareness is a big aspect of the practice. Cultivating more presence and space to explore your inner landscape.

"Modern culture appreciates the yang attitude to 'go or it'! But there is no end to our desires. To be truly happy we must also cultivate the yin qualities of patience, gratitude and contentment"

-        Paul Grilley, Yin Yoga Principles & Practice

My yoga qualifications:

: Testimonials :

~ Nive Pillay

~ Nive Pillay

“One day, Fran said to me “you should try a Yin yoga session”....

My response was automatically “ I’am a Pilates kinda a girl and yoga isn’t my cup of tea”. I still remember the smile on Fran’s face. I was clearly not aware that Yin Yoga is a slower practice. I gave it a try and after the 1st session, I was pleased with the outcome and how I felt.
For years I have suffered from trapped nerves in my spine and mild scoliosis. The Yin yoga practice helps with these conditions and i am now definitely more flexible, calm and mobile. Fran’s Yin and Sound sessions... are breathtaking, feel better physically and mentally after the sessions. People have asked me how can i be so calm and blasé about lockdown, my answer is “Yin and Sound” changed my approach to life and my health & wellbeing

~ Kirsty Vieyra

~ Kirsty Vieyra

“I LOVE Francesca’s Yin classes! From the moment I arrive I know I am in a sacred space being cared for. I love the slow movements and stretches and the music being met with your soft voice. Feel like I’m floating and connected back to my feminine energy when I leave.

Thank you for reminding me to slow down”.

“I’ve been practicing yoga for my whole life but it took Frans Yin & Sound class a couple of years ago, to really find the space within to let go.

Her energy and ability to hold a supportive, sacred space drew a softness out of me that I didn’t think existed, and coupled with the magic of her Tibetan bowls, I find myself emerging out of her offerings with a renewed sense of self every single time”.

~ Gemma Felix

~Rakelle Maurici

~Rakelle Maurici

“I discovered Francesca's Yin Yoga and Sound Healing classes whilst I was navigating a tough period in my life. She helped me open my mind and body to learn to slow down and make more space for me. Her voice is really soothing and her ability to connect and relate to everyone in the class is incredible. She has extensive knowledge on the mind-body connection which shows in the sessions. It has really transformed how I view my personal mind-body connection, learning self-acceptance and setting boundaries in everyday life”.